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  • Tags: brooklyn core

the east front mural
This is a collection of photos of and articles on the EAST, the cultural nationalist organization founded by Jitu Weusi (among others). I am including it here for several reasons: - as I have argued previously, the EAST in many ways represents a…

vivian manning fox 4.tiff
This is a 1996 photo of Vivian Manning Fox, formerly Vivian Casey of Brooklyn CORE. After leaving Brooklyn CORE, she became an associate director for the African American Institute and then executive director of the YWCA of the City of New York. …

vivian manning fox.tiff
This is a 1964 photo of Brooklyn CORE member Vivian Casey with Rev. Milton Galamison, leader of the 1964 City Wide School Boycott. Casey was assigned by Brooklyn CORE to be a secretary for Rev. Galamison in his role as the chairman of the Citywide…

bK CORE_boro hall.tiff
This is a September 15, 1962 photo of the garbage dumped on the front steps of Brooklyn's Borough Hall by Brooklyn CORE.

This is a photo of the book 'The Education of Sonny Carson', (hard cover, first edition, signed by members of Brooklyn CORE and Sonny Carson).

Photo shot at the offices of the Committee to Honor Black Heroes. My thanks to Ali Lamont.

stan brez.tif
This a photo of Brooklyn CORE member Stanley Brezenoff at Brooklyn College, class of 1960. Originally from Brooklyn, Brezenoff was working on a Master’s degree in Philosophy before he joined CORE.

According to Mr. Brezenoff, he first joined…

This is a photo of the Bibuld family who were at the center of Brooklyn CORE's first campaign against the NYC Board of Education. In between Elaine and Jerome Bibuld are their children (from left to right) Melanie, Carrington, and Douglass.…

This is a photo of Brooklyn CORE member Rioghan Kirchner at the Brooklyn Public Library where she volunteers. The majority of
CORE documents and memorabilia in the library's Brooklyn Collection were contributed by Kirchner. In the photo she is…

This is a 1962 photo of Brooklyn CORE members Rioghan Kirchner (White) and Dr. Barbara Wallace (Black) being arrested at the Ebingers Bakery demonstration.

Wallace also participated in the Route 40 Freedom Rides.
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