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  • Tags: white castle demonstration

white castle.jpg
This is a photo of unidentified CORE members sitting at Bronx CORE's White Castle demonstration. The diner was located on Boston Road and Matthews Ave., in the Bronx. Bronx CORE started the campaign to convince White Castle to hire Black and Puerto…

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This is a photo of CORE members sitting in at the White Castle restaurant Bronx CORE used as a demonstration site to protest against the chain's lack of Black and Puerto Rican employees.

The CORE members here are currently unidentified. However,…

white castle 4.jpg
This is a photo of CORE members sitting in at the White Castle restaurant Bronx CORE used as a demonstration site to protest against the chain's lack of Black and Puerto Rican employees.

The CORE members here are currently unidentified. The tall…

white castle 7.jpg
This is a photo of counter protesters at Bronx CORE's White Castle demonstration.

The hat being placed on the baby is embroidered with a confederate flag, a white supremacist symbol. The hat itself appears to be that of a confederate soldier from…

white castle 5.jpg
This is a July 9,1963 photo of Bronx CORE's White Castle demonstration. Inside the restaurant are White counter protesters clearly holding the Confederate flag. Also known as a 'rebel flag', it was the flag of southern secessionists during the Civil…

yaphet kotto_ed lewinson.tiff
This is a night time photo of CORE member Ed Lewinson (front, White male with dog) and Yaphet Kotto (front, Black male, white shirt, tie), at Bronx CORE's White Castle demonstration, July 11, 1963.

At the time, Lewinson was a member of Brooklyn…

herb callender.tiff
This is a 1964 photo of Bronx CORE chairman Herb Callender.
A union leader in a Ford auto plant, he was one of the original 1961 Freedom Riders. The case that resulted from his particpation, Herbert E. Callender v. Florida, went all the way to the…

white castle 6.jpg
This is a July 7, 1963 night time photo of Bronx CORE's White Castle demonstration.

By the time this photo was taken, several 'scuffles' had already taken place. The crowd of spectators and counter protesters had grown to more than a thousand.

white castle 10.tiff
This is a day photo of Bronx CORE's White Castle demonstration on July 13, 1963.

Police officers stand between the demonstrators and the White Castle restaurant due to outbreaks of violence that had taken place previously over the course of the…
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