This is a collection of photos of and articles on the EAST, the cultural nationalist organization founded by Jitu Weusi (among others). I am including it here for several reasons: - as I have argued previously, the EAST in many ways represents a…
This is a photo of Brooklyn CORE member Jitu Weusi.
Born and raised in Brooklyn, he was originally known as Leslie Campbell. He was a member of Brooklyn CORE from its earliest days, partially due to his father's friendship with chairman Ollie…
This is a photo of Brooklyn CORE member Jim 'Seitu' Dyson. He was one of the many Brooklyn CORE members that also were members of the EAST. A graphic artist, he did the majority of the covers for the EAST's newspaper, Black News.
This is a film clip that it comes from the PBS documentary series "The Jewish Americans"... it has to do with Brooklyn CORE member Les Campbell from the Ocean Hill-Brownsville community control demonstrations and the "Hey, Jew boy" poem he read on…
This is the cover to the April 10, 1970 issue of Black News done by Brooklyn CORE member Jim 'Seitu' Dyson. The illustration depicts the growing narcotics problem in the Black community at the time.
This is the cover to the Nov. 20, 1970 issue of Black News done by Brooklyn CORE member Jim 'Seitu' Dyson. The illustration is of Angela Davis of the Black Panther Party.
Seitu was the graphic artist for the Black News, the EAST's regular…
This is an audio clip of Brooklyn CORE member Arnie Goldwag speaking about working with Brooklyn CORE's Jitu Weusi after Goldwag had been pushed out of Brooklyn CORE because he was White.
In his oral history with New York CORE member Sheila…