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This is a photo of a member of the American Nazi Party counter picketing Brooklyn CORE's demonstration at the White House in Washington , D.C.

This is a photo of an unknown demonstrator at Brooklyn CORE's September 1962 demonstration at the White House in Washington, D.C.

bkcore bury.tiff
This is a 1962 photo of Brooklyn CORE demonstrating at the White House in Washington, D.C.

The chapter along with approximately 150 other CORE members from the eastern seaboard picketed for 24 hours between September 22 and 23 in support of…

This is a 1962 photo of Brooklyn CORE members Rioghan Kirchner (White) and Dr. Barbara Wallace (Black) being arrested at the Ebingers Bakery demonstration.

Wallace also participated in the Route 40 Freedom Rides.

BK CORE spanish.tiff
This is a 1962 photo of an unknown Brooklyn CORE member during the campaign against Ebinger's Bakery. She is holding a picket sign in Spanish.

This is a 1962 of Brooklyn CORE member demonstrating at the truck depot for Ebinger's Bakery. She is demonstrating the 'go limp' technique.

BK CORE walking.tiff
This is a 1962 photo of Brooklyn CORE members at the Ebingers demonstration. From left to right: Dr. Barbara Wallace (Black, female), Eduardo Standard (Black, male), Dr. Barbara Weeks (Black, female), Claire Toombs (White, female), Ben Brown (Black,…

bK CORE_boro hall.tiff
This is a September 15, 1962 photo of the garbage dumped on the front steps of Brooklyn's Borough Hall by Brooklyn CORE.

This is a September 15, 1962 photo of Brooklyn CORE members dumping trash on the steps of Brooklyn's Borough Hall as part of the chapter's Operation Cleansweep. The Brooklyn CORE in the photo are currently unidentified.
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