This clip from the NYU student film, "Red Squad", features an interview with undercover NYPD officer Ray Woodall aka Ray Wood.
Please be patient as this file may take a while to download.
This is a copy of a 1947 CORE letter sent out to staff. It is included here because it demonstrates:
1. That CORE was headquartered in New York City and had an office in Harlem as early as 1947. CORE moved to NYC because its first national leader,…
This is a November 12, 1960 photo of Norm HIll (left) taken at the Chicago Debs Day Dinner at the Midland Hotel. The event is an annual gathering of 'Chicago's labor, Negro and liberal community'.
The older man on the right hand side is…
This is a 1960 photo of New York CORE chairman Gladys Harrington (Black female) with James Peck (White male) and Rioghan Kirchner (White female). It was taken at that summer's 'Fast for Freedom' at the Statue of Liberty in support of the Woolworth…
This is the arrest photo for CORE member Jean Thompson as a Freedom Rider. She was on the very first trip. Originally a member of New Orleans CORE, she later moved to New York City, married CORE field secretary Moon Eng and became active in the…
This is the 1961 arrest photo for CORE member Terry Perlman as a Freedom Rider in Jackson, Mississippi. At the time, she was only 19 years old.
She first joined CORE to be a Freedom Rider and signed up at the national office. She would go on to…
This is the arrest photo for CORE member Elizabeth Adler as a Freedom Rider. She went on to become a member of New York CORE and a founding member of East River CORE. She is one of the seven arrested at East River CORE's Triborough Bridge sit in.
This is the 1961 arrest photo for CORE member Gloria Bouknight as a Freedom Rider in Jackson, Mississippi. Originally from the South, she lived in New York after the rides and was roommates with Sheila Michaels. She served as chair of the membership…